Farewell from the Bookshelf!

Please note that GLBT Bookshelf -- the community wiki which was the parent to this fiction blog -- went offline on May 31, 2016, after seven years' service to members.

All Gay Romance will remain online till the end of 2016 in order to give contributors every opportunity to recover materials uploaded here.

Many thanks to all who contributed over the years, and good luck to everyone in your future works!


New Release - DREAMS - Enter CONTEST for a chance to win it!

Book Cover   < -- Click the cover to be directed to my GLBT Bookshelf page for Dreams.

A trio of 3 related stories:
A Dream Come True
Another Dream
Dreaming of you

^ Follow the links for excerpts on my GLBT Bookshelf pages.

98,357 words
284 pages (PDF) Cost: $6.99
247 pages (Print) Cost: $11.99

Dreams is a collection of three consecutively linked stories, each with a different pair of protagonists introduced in the previous story. The original versions of these comprehensively amended and reedited second editions were previously published individually.

A Dream Come True:
Mike is thrilled when his old university crush turns up at his door in answer to a roommate advertisement. Wes doesn't remember Mike at all, or even realize Mike's gay, but that doesn't stop Mike from pursuing a determined campaign of seduction. The trouble is, Mike isn't ready to give up his free and easy lifestyle and settle down with just one man.

Mike isn't comfortable with public displays of affection. Wes doesn't like anything resembling the proverbial closet, but Mike's still buried deep inside one where his family is concerned. Will Wes have the patience to deal with Mike's issues, or will their dream come true end up a nightmare?

Another Dream:
When a shy, twenty-nine year old virgin erotica writer with a tool belt fetish crosses paths with an outgoing carpenter, the fireworks soar. Introverted Larry has an active imagination, and extroverted Marty is just the man to draw Larry out of his shell. Larry makes new friends and faces a jealous rival for Marty's affections while helping Marty reevaluate an impulsive decision, made twenty years earlier. A scheme is hatched that rewinds the years of Marty's life and takes the new lovers on a cross-country road trip together. From hot to humorous, their expedition is a journey of personal growth for Larry, an overdue resolution to Marty's long-ago rash actions, and a trek down a path of self-discovery for both of them.

Larry worries about the motivations of his own feelings as he tries to gauge Marty's. Marty is tired of the single life. He's ready to settle down and has been looking for Mr. Right. Will their personality differences complement each other to make another dream come true, or will Larry's insecurities keep him from seizing love?

Dreaming of You:
Trevor's upset when the man he's been chasing for years chooses another. He'd come to terms with losing Marty, but his hopes had been recently renewed and freshly dashed. While he's trying to drown his sorrows, the man he considers to be the cause of his distress approaches him.

When Quinn startles Trevor with an insightful revelation, will Trevor be able to put aside their differences and give love another chance?

In celebration of the release of my Dreams trilogy, now available in trade paperback as well as multiple ebook formats, I am offering a very simple CONTEST for a chance to win a copy of Dreams in the ebook format(s) of your choice!

I created an image of a number in the range from 1 to 100. Currently the privacy settings on that image are set to private, but when the contest ends I will change that to public. The two closest guesses to that number will be the contest winners. Easy as pie. This contest is being publicized on three of my social networking outlets (blogger, livejournal, facebook), and you can leave your guess in the comments on any of the three. One guess per person. It's okay to guess the same number as someone else, ties will simply mean extra winners. Don't bother trying to psychoanalyze me to figure out what number I might have picked, either, because I went to an online random number generator and had it spit me out a number.

The contest ends at 12:00 Noon CST on Monday, Nov., 28, 2011. At that time the picture will be revealed and the winners notified. Feel free to share and pass this information on. Good luck!

Enter in the comments section of one of the following social network entries:

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